Wednesday, April 28, 2010

David Clarke =D


Today I wanna speak you about the archaeologist who I admire. First, I must to say that to decide who is he...was very difficult, because I think there are many archeologists that have done important contributions to the discipline.

Well, I would like present to you to David Clarke, who was driver of "processual archaeology" or "New archaeology" in Europe (it was caracterized by to attemp to rebuild cultural processes).
He born in 1937 in England, and died in 1976. This archeologist studied at Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he was archaeology's teacher years later (information from wikipedia).
David Clarke is an important archaeologist because he introduced the systems theory and quantifications in the application of archaeology, besides he said that the scientific reasoning is essential in this discipline. Due to the above, Clarke is considered the first processual archaeologist in Europe (in USA was Willey and Phillips). Finally, he is known for to say: "the archaeology is archaeology is archaeology" as opposed to what Willey and Phillips said: "the archaology is anthropology, or it is nothing".

This archaeologist likes me, because their contributions to archaeology allowed that years later arose news perspectives in the archaeology like the post-processual archaeology, which was suggested by a Clarke's student (his name is Ian Hodder).

Well, see you soon!
bye =D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Avatar wow!

Hi guys, well today i wanna tell you about the last movie that i saw, it was "Avatar", and i went to the cinema with a friend. I don´t remember very well the details of this movie, because i saw it in the summer, so i forgot it xD...

Emmm, well i don´t know the name of the actors that appears in the movie, but i can search them xD. The protagonists are Sam Worthingtnon, Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang and Michelle Rodriguez (this information from wikipedia xD), i'd like tell you something more about them, but i don't know anything else =P . Not least is the director of the film, and his name is James Cameron (the same that directed Titanic, Terminator, and more and more xD).

In simple words, the movie show us a fictional future in where the humans can travel through the universe. This way, they found a planet called "Pandora", which it´s habited for a native population. The humans has conflicts with them, because the first begins to destroy the planet in order to get a natural resource (it is a natural element like oil). The protagonist is a human military that falls in love of one native of Pandora, and then he changes his thinking because understands the stile of life of Pandora's people and decides help them to expulse to humans of the planet.

This movie seemed me very nice, because it has action, drama and love xD. Besides, it shows a scenery so beatiful that hat I couldn't stop look at them over and over again xD. On the other hand, the topics of this film are similar with the anthropology, because it show us the contact between two civilizations completely different.

Well, i hope that you will like my brief critique xD, and see you soon n.n

My first earthquake o_o...and the last (hope so)

Hi everyone! i speak you about my experience's earthquake...

Well, the earthquake's night i was watching t.v (in the summer i go to sleep very late, and sometimes i don't sleep xD, but it isn't the point =P), and just at the moment it started I was watching a alien's attack was horrible because i thought: "Oh no!!!, the martians attacks us!!! o_o", and really scared me xD. After that, i realized it was a "simple" tremor; in this moment my fear was gone, but the movement became I went to my parent's room (for awaken them ¬¬) and we went to a safe place. The next day we had not telephone nor electricity, but they came back soon, and fortunately our family was well.

I was very surprise for the effects of the earthquake, and for this reason i tried to help as best i could...(i was gathering food and clothes and other activities).

Emm, i'm 100% sure that is a experiencie that i hope it will not happen again x_x, but if it will occurs again i learned how i must react, and besides how i can help other persons...

I hope that nothing bad had happened you, and see you soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hi! =)

Hi guys!

I'm Sonia and it's page was created with the follow object: I'm a student of archeology and I want to speak you about my discipline and my interests.

Well, I love the archaeology since I was a little girl, for this reason I was very happy when I entered to University to study anthropology. The archaelogy is a subdiscipline of anthropology. We study the past population's culture through the things that the past people deposited, therefore we must do many fieldworks (and it's the better part of our job xD).

I hope tell you many other things,
and see you later!