Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tecnoloy and archaeology

I have never been a tech girl, indeed I hate all about tecnology and pc`s…but when I entered to archaeology I had learning a lot the technological tools.There are many usefull tools in the archaeology, and it is using by the archaologists in differents contexts. For example, when we must go to fieldwork we need to know where are we…in these case, we used the GPS.
We had a subject where the teacher touch us to use different tools for the fieldwork…some of this tools are: the GPS and the “station”; besides we learned to use some computers programs. Really, I did not learn so much, because I needed to know math and many strangers things xD…so I suffered in this subject. Using the programs computers in general is easy…but when I need to make calculations…I am the worse!!!! I think that I only learned “to read” maps in this subject (it calls SIG: Geographical Information System), but it could be worse.
On the other hand, the GPS is a nice tool. It is very simple and you do not need to know a lot of tecnology, and some cases it is easier that a cell phone. This machine indicated the coordenates in that you localized, so it is very important…and I learned that I never must forget to load its batteries or forget it (I said that, because I lost in a fieldwork and it was horrible!).
Well, despite that I hate the technological tools, I must admit that it is very importants in my discipline (and all the works). Because it helps to do our work safely, besides we can obtain more information of the archaeology record when we used this technological advances. In this sense, in the archaeology the tecnology has been uil for knowing more about our past.
Finally, I want to suggest to all the people that they like the archaeology that they need to keep up with the technological tools and computer programs. But, they must not worry if they do not understand about this things, because they always can learn. In all the careers there are technological progress every day…the important is that we do not stop learning.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

this's halloween, this's halloween...everybody screams!!!!!!!!! =D

Hi!!!, I am going to speak you about Halloween, that is my favourite celebration. Halloween is a celt festivity celebrates 31th october, and it is new year of this culture.
The irish people passed on this tradition to United States in 1840.But, above not means that it celebrated of this momento, Halloween is a very antiquity festivity that the people celebrates this festivity since a lot of time,
During night’s Halloween the children uses costumes and they go out and ask candies. When the children ask for candies the says: “treak or treating”. Today all the people celebrates this party (in all the world xD)…the adults use costumes too and they go to parties, but they do not ask for candies…
On the other hand, the goth people enjoys Halloween too. I think that it happens because they like the black colour and the terror xDD…well, this is a bias, but I want to say that Halloween is soooo veery popular!!! (who do not like the candies? xD)
I like Halloween because I love the celt cultura their worldview is nice =)!. Besides I like use costumes!!, it is very funny and Halloween is a great excuse =D!
When I was a Little girl I never celebrated Halloween, because my parents thought that we must not to celebrate because it was not a chilean tradition. Then I grow up, and I began to go to parties’s Halloween =P, and today I still celebrate this festivity…the last year I went to a party in a “Club Hipico”, but it was not funny =(.
This year I did not to go to some place because I must to do my homeworks, and I was very angry!!!… we can not get fun all the time! =(
Well, I hope that you enjoyed Halloween!! (not like me xD).