Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is the end!!! =D

I have never liked to write about my life in internet I feel incomfortable when I must do it, for this reason I think that it was not a funny activity. I did not enjoy to publish my favourite activities or the things that I like and think, on the contrary it was very difficult, because I never know what can I say and I always count the words that I needed to finish. When I read a blog I enjoy it, but to write it, is not the same.
Although I do not like the blogs, this activity has helped me to improve my english, because I must to write every week, which makes me to practice regularly.
Well, I don't know if the blog is the better method for to learn english, but it is not so bad xD. I think that it has some disadvantages like write about myself, but it is good too, because I can practice my english without to be in a class. Besides, it is a way in that we can help us to improve our english (when we read the posts of our classmates or they read our posts, we can correct them or they can correct us). Due above and despite that I hate the blogs, I think that is a good form to practice out of class.
Finally, I will attemp to write more in a blog, because it could be funny when you accustom =P
I hope that you had enojoyed xD

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Eye of God

Maybe it sounds trite, but one of my favourite photographs is “The eye of God”, which was taken by the Hubble Spacial Telescope in 2004. There are more pictures of this that have been taken by other telescopes as the Very Large Telescope of European Southern Observatory and Wide Field Imager of chilean Observatory La Silla.

This image shows us to the Helix Nebula (also known as NGC 7293 by the scientists), which is ubicated in the constellation of “Aquarius”, it is about 700 light-years from The Earth. Helix is a planetary nebula that formed in the end of a star’s life like the sun and it was discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding before 1824 (probably).

This picture is very famous, and many people love it. I like it because when I see it I feel so small, and it makes me to think that life is so fragile, this because we could dissappear in any time like that star. On the other hand, I think it is a beatiful image, the form taken is amazing. Their colours are impressive too, justly it calls “The eye of God” and really it seems as somebody looks at us.

When I see phenomena like this I think that we don´t need science fiction to see incredible things, just enough seek in the real world. Besides, it makes me ask how many things are there that we can’t to imagine.

Well, I don’t know if this photograph is the most wonderful of the history, probably it isn’t, but I suppose that “The eye of God” is a image that nobody will forget.
I hope like it!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Camiña =D

I love to travel, for this reason I have gone to many places, but my favourite trips had been in Chile. Our country is a beatiful place, and the anthropology has allowed that I visited many interesting sites lately.
My last travel was at Camiña and I think that it had been my better experience. Camiña is a small town ubicated in the north of Chile, in the “Primera Región de Tarapacá”, it is about five hours away by bus from Iquique. This village is localized in a ravine at about 3000 meters of high.

I did this trip with my classmates and teacher for the Andean Etnology course and we camped in a place near of Camiña. We stayed seven days in Camiña and one day in Iquique, in where we enjoyed to much too =) (when we traveled to north is a “ritual” that we stayed at least one day in Iquique =P)

Well, I think that Camiña is a special place because has a wonderfull landscape. Besides it is caracterized by to be habited for indigenous communities that belonging to the aymará etnic group. Due to the above, Camiña has many archaeological sites like petroglyphs and inka´s huacas (sacred mountains); so it was very common to find pottery fragments of different periods.

The purpose of this travel was to realize about “Corpus Christi”ceremony. This is a party that syncretizes catholic and indigenous beliefs; one family of the community organizes the festival for one year, in which there are dances, bands, lots of free food and free liquor and animal sacrifices (llamas and lambs) in order to “pay” to saints and Pachamama.

Well, I hope that you can visit to Camiña someday too!